Monday, May 25, 2009

Misbehavin' Cables Vest

is done. This photo is new, as the other one was altogether unflattering.  I really love this vest, and I plan to knit another one.  Ginni and I were talking about how it might be fun to add a zipper to it because it has this really wonderful facing that would hide it perfectly. 

Key West Progress

Last sleeve is knitted, but not yet set in. Went ahead and did all the finishing on the rest of the jacket while the last sleeve was in process. I am thrilled with the way this jacket is turning out. There's quite a bit of finishing effort involved, but it really makes for a very professional look - this turned back cuff, for instance.

Here's a look at the mitered corner at the hem

and the neckline

Can't wait to finish this and WEAR IT! I cast on for the tank yesterday. Woo hoo.