This is a pattern from White Lies Designs- we carry nearly her entire line at the shop, and I must have every one of her patterns queued on Ravelry! Anyway, here's the pattern.

It's done in a bulky cotton, but since it just takes around 400 yards, I wanted to treat myself to something rich and decadent. I selected Alchemy Synchronicity in Red Run. Finally got to cast on May 25th as we were driving up to Mt. St. Mary's to pick Elizabeth from her HOBY weekend. It's about a 2 1/2 hour car ride. Here's what I got done on the ride up and back.

The yarn is so rich and buttery, and the pattern is an addictive variation of feather and fan, so it's gone really quickly. I put it down for a while and then I changed my mind about how I wanted the lace to look with the shaping. The knitting is done except for the button bands and the armhole edging. Maybe I should have picked a better towel for the blocking! Oh well.
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