Monday, January 17, 2011

Calling Einstein for some mindless knitting

There have been so many times in the last few weeks that I've just needed to sit down with my knitting and not think at all.  I think that's an indication of stress level, exacerbated by lack of an appropriately mindless project on the needles. Or, it could just be a renewed interest in football with the playoffs and what not. I had some fuchsia Donegal Tweed Chunky hanging around and decided to make it into a new Einstein coat since my current one seems to have been confiscated as a blanket by my youngest son.  I'm making it 1 inch shorter around the bottom (53 stitches).  Here's where I am so far.

That's just over one skein in - it measures about 15 inches so far.  Hmmm... that's 15 down and some 30 or 40 inches to go.  It should be done by Easter.  When is Easter this year anyway? 

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